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QB talk - Printable Version

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RE: QB talk - Josh21 - 03-12-2023

Always interesting since no one knows till draft day!

RE: QB talk - Hobbit99 - 03-13-2023

WEll... Now that Darnold is going to the 49ers (supposedly...), the question begs asking.  Who will 'lead' our rookies this year. I just don't see the Panthers heading full-steam ahead into the season with a no-experience rookie QB. Surely, there is a plan to have veteran support at QB.  And as BCF alluded... the Panthers are "open to trading" Matt Corral.  I wonder who we pick up out of the "dumpster" now..??

RE: QB talk - BlackCatzFan - 03-13-2023

McCown? Lol…..

RE: QB talk - Firstchance - 03-13-2023

Jimmy G going to the Raiders. (So they won’t be drafting early)

RE: QB talk - PantherFan007 - 03-13-2023

BLAINE GABBERT!!!! lmao! Just kidding Tongue

RE: QB talk - Firstchance - 03-13-2023

Aaron Rogers was in Charlotte today.

Rodgers wasn’t though.

RE: QB talk - Hobbit99 - 03-13-2023

(03-13-2023, 07:56 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Aaron Rogers was in Charlotte today. 

Rodgers wasn’t though.

Hahaha....Cute.... I saw what you did there.!!

Clap3 Thumbsup Joker

RE: QB talk - Firstchance - 03-14-2023

Darnolds deal one year 4.5 mil with only 3.5 guaranteed…. Scratching my head here. Such a cheap option for us, more of an opportunity for him to play here. What are we thinking in this area.

RE: QB talk - Hobbit99 - 03-14-2023

(03-14-2023, 02:26 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Darnolds deal one year 4.5 mil with only 3.5 guaranteed…. Scratching my head here. Such a cheap option for us, more of an opportunity for him to play here. What are we thinking in this area.

Well..... apparently Dalton is what we are thinking.  Although, I have to admit Darnold's contract would be more sensible (money-wise..). Still, I am not opposed to Dalton. He has been around for a long time and is respected as a veteran presence. Certainly an effective backup, and should do well as a "bridge" for a rookie QB.

Just a little surprised though that Sam Darnold wasn't the choice.  Darnold had some cachet here in Carolina within the "system"  Of course, with the new coaching staff, everything is going to change. So it probably will make little or no difference in the results.

RE: QB talk - Josh21 - 03-14-2023

(03-13-2023, 06:15 PM)BlackCatzFan Wrote: McCown? Lol…..

Sorry I missed it, but funny as heck.  Player coach