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Haynes to IR - Printable Version

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Haynes to IR - Firstchance - 09-04-2023

Marquis Haynes moved to IR. Our top backup at the OLB position. This leaves two slots now available on the 53 and we still have one slot available on the PS. Curious to see what happens the next few days.

RE: Haynes to IR - PantherFan007 - 09-04-2023

Not good news! Hope he is able to return, but he will be missed during that time.

RE: Haynes to IR - Hobbit99 - 09-04-2023

Haynes has been "out" most of Training Camp and Pre-season. Some kind of back issue.  He shows back up for a day or so then is gone again.  Not sure what is going on, but it's not good. Even if he magically showed up "cured", he couldn't possibly be ready to play.  From the time he's cleared to play, he'll be at least 3-4 weeks getting back in shape. And we know he is "out" for at least four weeks of the season.....

So, I'm guessing about 6-7 weeks unless he's 'cleared' in the next week or so (or maybe not at all...).