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GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - PantherFan007 - 05-26-2024

Hey all, 

My wife and I are going out of town for the next week or so and may not be on every day.  Not that I'm posting all the time anyways, but I usually try to at least check in on things.

Have a great week, and I will check in if/when I can!

RE: GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - Josh21 - 05-26-2024

Have fun guys!

RE: GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - Hobbit99 - 05-26-2024


Fair seas and following winds..!!


RE: GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - PantherFan007 - 05-26-2024

We are heading down to Myrtle Beach at Ocean Lakes Campground. :) Thanks for the well-wishes!

RE: GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - Ladypanther - 05-27-2024

Hope you have a great week!

RE: GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR VACATION - OceanPanther - 05-28-2024

I hope every one had a wonderful, safe Memorial Day weekend. Beaches were a tab bit crowded.

007, enjoy the down time. Others who take time off too.

For me.. till August football really slows down now. I use to say to myself, mini camps and training camps were for the really hard core fans.. But every year, I'm back here looking to see what information you guru's have gleaned from every source available .
Sadly , after every training camp in August for the last 6 years I am pumped and ready to go 17-0 .. unfortunately, we've sucked ,, really bad.

Maybe this year ,,, yeah, maybe this year we turn it around a little.