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What I learned from the Cardinals Game - Printable Version

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What I learned from the Cardinals Game - PantherFan007 - 11-15-2021

Somewhere during the Cardinals game, or afterwards while checking a couple of Cardinals Message Board Threads, I learned something about myself.

I learned that I would rather have opposing fans hating on our quarterback because he is making them look silly rather than laughing at our quarterback because he is stinking up the place.

True Story. 

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - coffee - 11-15-2021


I KNOW this won't happen!!!! I'm not suggesting that I even think there's a chance. It's just fun to think about the scenario: In the alternate universe where Cam is our missing piece and the Pats continue their wins . . .

Could you imagine a Super Bowl with:

Cam's "Oh, you're going with the kid, huh?" motivation (and him firing up both the team and the crowd),
Burns' opportunity to go all 'unfriendly neighborhood Spiderman' on Mac Jones (with a D incredibly determined to support him)
and a fanbase knowing we get another Super Bowl shot at this team and coach.

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - PantherFan007 - 11-15-2021

Hey Coffee, I actually thought about that yesterday (a Panthers vs Patriots SB), not that it will happen, but rather "Wouldn't it be funny if....?"

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - Josh21 - 11-16-2021

It would b interesting, but the fairytale ending is bill winning to tie Brady. Not us. Seriously.

Sorry, realist..

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - Hobbit99 - 11-17-2021

I really don't think the Pats have much of a chance against the rest of that conference. But ¿queen sabe?..??? Stranger things have happened.!

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - Josh21 - 11-18-2021

I only said what I said as a league wide view.

RE: What I learned from the Cardinals Game - Hobbit99 - 11-18-2021

(11-18-2021, 12:45 AM)Josh21 Wrote: I only said what I said as a league wide view.

Yeah buddy, I know.  Still, with the Pats playing in the AFC, they will have one terrific molehill (mountain..) to climb to get to the conference championship before the Super Bowl.!! Just based on what I've seen, I would give the Panthers a better chance at the Super Bowl than the Pats.

Of course, what do I know..???  !!!!!   The Panthers will have to go through the Rams, Cardinals, Packers, Cowgirls, Bucs, Saints.... SMH....
Fbcry Sick Cry Depressed

Of course..... We won't have to beat all of them. Some of them will knock each other off.... WHEW..... Thank goodness...Had me worried there for a minute.!!