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LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Printable Version

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LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Hobbit99 - 12-20-2021

LOL... I am so amused!! This is one of the funniest situational stories of the year!

ICYMI.... The Bucs with Brady at the helm lost to the Saints.  Not only lost, But were SHUTOUT!!!


On the not so pleasant side of that news...  The Panthers play the Bucs next..!!   Fbwow Cry Depressed

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - PantherFan007 - 12-20-2021

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had someone on the Panthers with that much anger and conviction, though?

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Hobbit99 - 12-20-2021

(12-20-2021, 05:49 PM)PantherFan007 Wrote: Wouldn't it be awesome if we had someone on the Panthers with that much anger and conviction, though?

Yeah, I guess..??? I don't know...
I LOVE the angst he demonstrates. He refuses to accept a defeat as anything other than an anomaly. He EXPECTS to win. For that he deserves the title of 'Greatest...'.

But I don't believe you need to 'throw down' and flop around down in the trenches and the mud with the common folk. It's possible to demonstrate effectiveness and a penchant for winning while keeping your head up and staying 'above the fray'.  There's no doubt he hates to lose, we've seen that in BOA stadium. But mudslinging, calling opposing coaches foul names after losing a game, and throwing a computer tablet around like a child seems a bit 'overdone'..... Especially for someone with his provenance.  Totally unnecessary and very unprofessional. Surprising, really.

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - PantherFan007 - 12-20-2021

(12-20-2021, 06:39 PM)Hobbit99 Wrote:
(12-20-2021, 05:49 PM)PantherFan007 Wrote: Wouldn't it be awesome if we had someone on the Panthers with that much anger and conviction, though?

Yeah, I guess..??? I don't know...
I LOVE the angst he demonstrates. He refuses to accept a defeat as anything other than an anomaly. He EXPECTS to win. For that he deserves the title of 'Greatest...'.

But I don't believe you need to 'throw down' and flop around down in the trenches and the mud with the common folk. It's possible to demonstrate effectiveness and a penchant for winning while keeping your head up and staying 'above the fray'.  There's no doubt he hates to lose, we've seen that in BOA stadium. But mudslinging, calling opposing coaches foul names after losing a game, and throwing a computer tablet around like a child seems a bit 'overdone'..... Especially for someone with his provenance.  Totally unnecessary and very unprofessional. Surprising, really.

Fblaugh Yeah, I don't, either, to be honest.  I was just playing more than anything.  It's childish to throw tantrums like that, and is certainly not a good role model for anyone, especially impressionable kids.

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Josh21 - 12-21-2021

Agreed, Brady’s a dick.

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Hobbit99 - 12-21-2021

What you get from Brady is an overwhelming expectation of victory. He truly EXPECTS to win every time he is on the field.  And THATL O V E.!!
It is certainly an admirable quality on the playing field.  All of the extraneous BS is just noise.

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - PantherFan007 - 12-23-2021

[Image: 267923931_10228052661327559_316941508646...e=61C8BD93]

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Hobbit99 - 12-23-2021

(12-23-2021, 07:24 AM)PantherFan007 Wrote: [Image: 267923931_10228052661327559_316941508646...e=61C8BD93]

LOL  LOL  LOL.....I guess...????

SORRY, 007.... This one has zoomed over my head.  The analogy is lost on me.  Huh
I must be really behind the times. I can't figure what "Karen" iS--WAS--or SHOULD BE..

Please take pity on a poor, dumb, out in the weeds simpleton.  Give me a hint..???

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - PantherFan007 - 12-24-2021

Youtube "Karen" lol It's too long to explain. A "Karen" is a crazy self-entitled woman who throws a tantrum demanding to have her way and resorts to bullying, etc, basically.

Also frequently known as "Crazy Karen".

RE: LOL..Brady steamed. Beats up Microsoft Tablet - Hobbit99 - 12-24-2021

(12-24-2021, 12:50 PM)PantherFan007 Wrote: Youtube "Karen" lol  It's too long to explain.  A "Karen" is a crazy self-entitled woman who throws a tantrum demanding to have her way and resorts to bullying, etc, basically. 

Also frequently known as "Crazy Karen".


OMG... THat's   C R A Z Y.!!  

Fblaugh Clap3