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Nice Article on What the Panthers Spent for QB - Printable Version

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Nice Article on What the Panthers Spent for QB - coffee - 07-19-2022

This isn't talking $$.  Just draft picks and points.  Ever since we got Baker, I've wanted to do this math because I just really like what Fitterer has done using and maneuvering the draft picks.

I know we had major issues like a terrible O-line.  But there were no solutions that I saw that I thought "Why isn't Fitterer trying to do this or that?"  There were simply no solutions available at the time.  I'm not sold on our QB situation either but he's done everything possible to try to fix that.  I like that he tried to be majorly involved in the Watson deal.  But I also like that he put his foot down once it got to the ridiculous guaranteed money.

When your team is struggling as ours is, it's easy to only see the failures but I'm quite happy with our GM.  Whatever happens this year, I think he deserves the time to finish putting together a winning team.

RE: Nice Article on What the Panthers Spent for QB - PantherFan007 - 07-19-2022

Good article, and great insight, Coffee! Thanks for sharing that, I enjoyed it.

RE: Nice Article on What the Panthers Spent for QB - Hobbit99 - 07-21-2022

A LOT of information here, Coffee.... Glad you found this and posted it here.
Thanks, my friend. Well done.!!