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SEAN PAYTON—-TERRY BRADSHAW—-???? - Printable Version

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SEAN PAYTON—-TERRY BRADSHAW—-???? - Hobbit99 - 09-12-2022

If any of you watch the ‘pregame’  shows…. Wonder what is going on with Bradshaw.?? Looks really unhealthy. Looks bloated and sickly. Almost asked myself..”who is THAT.??”

Same thing for Sean Payton with Fox Sports team. Gosh… Looks like he’s gained thirty pounds.!! Honest…I did NOT recognize him. He ‘sounded’ okay, but goodness, the ‘easy life’ is apparently too easy.!!

RE: SEAN PAYTON—-TERRY BRADSHAW—-???? - Hobbit99 - 10-02-2022

When I posted this awhile back (on September 12th...), there was nothing on the airwaves about this. This morning, the news outlets are flooded with this story. Apparently, Bradshaw has been battling cancer since it was discovered last November. So, at least for Terry Bradshaw, my question about his appearance on the pre-game shows has been answered.

Rather than quote him or re-hash all of the information, Ill just leave a couple of links here for all of you to peruse at your leisure.

FOX NEWS:  Terry Bradshaw -- Cancer -- OK For Now

SPORTS ILLUSTRATED:  Terry Bradshaw Talks About Cancer Diagnoses

Really sorry to hear about this. Bradshaw is a decent guy and does a good job on the air. I wish him well.