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WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - Printable Version

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WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - Hobbit99 - 10-11-2022

hjkGosh, it's been a long time since we were #1 in anything.  You can say it, or think it ..... or not. But the truth is, we have HC Matt Rhule to thank for this opportunity.  It's time to accept the plaudits and bask in the sun.  Speak it; Shout it; Revel in the power. These opportunities don't come along every day. Enjoy this time now, while it's new and fresh, and while the Panthers are at the peak of the spectrum.

Say It: "#1" ..... SAY IT: "#1" ..... SAY IT: "#1"  --------------  Yeah, Baby!!  That's how we roll around here.!!

PANTHERS.COM:   PANTHERS ARE #1    <<<<  Go on "CLICK" it --- you know you want to..!!


THE #1 LEAST POWERFUL TEAM IN THE NFL..!!!!!  At Last = The fame and glory. The RESPECT we deserve.!!

RE: WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - PantherFan007 - 10-12-2022

We play more like # 2.

Just saying.

RE: WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - Hobbit99 - 10-12-2022

(10-12-2022, 09:13 AM)PantherFan007 Wrote: We play more like # 2.

Just saying.

It's an arguable point, I guess.

Most of the Power Rankings have us at #32.  That's last on the "Good List" ---- OR first on the "Bad List."   Bag

Big Grin

RE: WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - PantherFan007 - 10-13-2022

No, I meant #2, as in "DOO-DOO" lol

RE: WE'VE MADE IT---FINALLY..!! #1 IN THE NFL - Hobbit99 - 10-13-2022

(10-13-2022, 04:12 PM)PantherFan007 Wrote: No, I meant #2, as in "DOO-DOO" lol
Ohh..... Sick   Cry  SMH...SMH  TMI HERE..!!   PERSONAL FOUL ON THE ADMINISTRATOR:  Referee EXCESSIVE POTTY REFERENCES FROM THE GALLERY.:  48 Hours in the slammer, from the time of utterance.!! Think of your poor momma. What would she say.??   "Give me that bar of Ivory. I'm gonna wash your mouth out with soap.!!!"
