Started by Hobbit99

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Posting Freak

3,036 posts 565 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 04:29 AM -
Okay.... Here you go..!!

AFC Championship game....  Sunday, Jan 19, 2020---- 3:05 P.M.

Tennessee Titans  (11-7)  AT  Kansas City Chiefs  (13-4)

Tennessee has already shown it's ability to win in the playoffs. The last two weeks the Titans have soundly beaten the Patriots and the Ravens --- ON THE ROAD.!!! The Ravens were the #1 ranked team in the NFL.  The Chiefs beat the Texans convincingly, but the Texans put up 31 on them. This game comes down to the Titans defense and the Chiefs offense. IF the Titans can control the LOS and have Henry and the running game working.... It could be a long day for the Chiefs.

PICK:  Titans by 6

NFC Championship game....  Sunday, Jan 19, 2020----  6:40 P.M.

Green Bay Packers  (14-3)  AT  San Francisco 49ers  (14-3)

This one could be C L O S E..... 49ers have home field and have looked awfully strong.  Packers looked good against the Channel Chickens last week for 2 1/2 -- 3 quarters, BUT the Seahawks came back and almost pulled it out.  I don't think GB has another game like that in them this week. Back to back west coast teams will make for a long day for the cheese heads.

PICK:  49ers by 7 

That's the view from here..!!  Worth noting though..... My crystal ball prognostication device has developed a severe crack. The view is somewhat cloudy.

This post was last modified: 01-17-2020, 04:32 AM by Hobbit99.

2,339 posts 756 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 09:22 AM -
I like both of your picks, just not sure about the point spread.

AFC Champs: Titans

NFC Champs: 49'ers
Posting Freak

3,036 posts 565 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 12:12 PM -
Yeah... Really too close to call. Could easily go 10 points either way.

86 posts 9 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 05:59 PM -
... three of our regular season opponents. We lost to two of them.

I'm calling Chiefs over Titans, Pack over 9er's

It just never seems to go the way everyone thinks, unless the Pats are in it.
Posting Freak

763 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 06:23 PM -
Chiefs by six and 49ers by 8
Posting Freak

3,036 posts 565 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-17-2020, 11:42 PM -
Looks like you guys think think the Chiefs will "out" the Titans.... It's not difficult to believe that. I hear ya...

If I had to pick a 'vulnerable' team this week, it would be the Titans....and to a lesser degree, the Packers. However, Let me say this about that....

Everyone had written off the Titans before the playoffs had begun. No one gave them a chance early on (including me...). But I am slowly coming around to believing in this Cinderella team. They went on the road to Foxboro and took on the Patriots as a wild card. Everyone LAUGHED.!! That game was going to be a NON-event. Brady and the Pats would pick them apart and they would head back to Tennessee at the head of the 'loser' list. But the Titans didn't listen. Didn't buy in to the "just show up" mentality. They stormed into NE, kicked ass, and sent the vaunted Patriots to the showers with their heads hanging.  Last week, the Titans took on the #1 ranked team in all of the NFL. NO ONE gave them a chance against a 14-2 Ravens team. A real powerhouse of a team. And with the game in Baltimore, the Titans chances were LESS than zero, Right??  Well. we all saw what happened there.  SO.... Two mammoth playoff wins against two powerhouse teams, back to back, ON THE ROAD.!!  Now the non-believers are saying "well, they CAN'T beat the Chiefs--on the road."  REALLY..???  Well, believe me, If they can beat the TITANS, they can beat the Chiefs.!!  And, I think they will.!!  NO, I wouldn't bet a lot of money on it, but I won't bet against them either.

Now the 49ers game is a question. If this game was in GB, I would favor the Packers. But in way. Two consecutive weeks, back to back, GB travels to the west coast. They won in Seattle, but it was NOT convincing. Yes, they looked good for 30 minutes. And 'OK' for another 15. But The 'Hawks came back and it ended up being a close thing. Now the Pack has to travel once again to the west coast, on a 'short' week, into a potential buzzsaw. Two weeks, back to back, long travel times, potential delays, NO home field, NO friendly environs, NO 'normal' bad weather/snow. I don't think GB has another game like last week left in them. Straight up, these teams are pretty closely matched. I just don't think GB can overcome the DISadvantage of having to travel and play AGAIN on the west coast. This is the 49ers game to lose.....

OF COURSE:  I could be wrong.....
Posting Freak

763 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-18-2020, 11:41 AM -
Chiefs in a 7 game win streak, Titans games.

Packers in a 6 game win streak, 49ers 3 games.
Posting Freak

3,036 posts 565 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-18-2020, 09:46 PM -
(01-18-2020, 11:41 AM)Firstchance Wrote: Chiefs in a 7 game win streak, Titans games.

Packers in a 6 game win streak, 49ers 3 games.

Well..... The longer the streak, the closer they are to losing.!!!

Not really, of course. Just like a coin toss, every chance is 50-50 based solely on probability. The intangibles make up the difference between losing and winning. Length of winning (or losing..) streak has no bearing on the probability matrix. BUT... the intangibles like preparation, mental state, days of rest, health and welfare etc. DO have a bearing on outcomes (although they are largely NOT measurable). So, to the extent the winning streak MIGHT affect certain player's mental state, it's conceivable it could have a very slight bearing on the outcome...... Maybe..... But a measurable, discernible difference....Nope.
Posting Freak

3,036 posts 565 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-20-2020, 11:01 AM -
Well.... Once again I managed a split. Neither game was as close as I figured. The Titans had the game in hand (so to speak...), until they didn't. Everything fell apart. Chiefs take advantage. 49ers win handily by way more than I figured. ................

Damn crystal ball...
Posting Freak

763 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
01-20-2020, 04:30 PM -
Magic 8 ball for sale

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