Started by Hobbit99

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Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-06-2023, 11:15 AM -
As the week begins this Monday, the Panthers begin Phase 3 of OTAs. At every Phase change, the team's approach to activities changes a little. No live contact is permitted, but 7-on-7, 9-on-7, and 11-on-11 sessions ARE permitted.  Phase 3 (for the PANTHERS) is a four day segment starting on June 5th and ending om June 8th. Under the CBA, ten total days of practice are permitted. This year they are divided up as three in Phase 1, three in Phase 2, and four in Phase 3. When Phase 3 practices wrap up on Thursday, there will be a 4-5 day break before Panthers Mandatory Minicamp starts on June 13th. Minicamp runs for three days through the 15th.

All dates are at the discretion of each club and are subject to change.
This post was last modified: 06-06-2023, 11:19 AM by Hobbit99.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-06-2023, 05:33 PM -
As the final segment of OTAs, phase 3, unrolls this week, the Panthers have taken an unusual step. The team wants to get  through these training events injury-free if possible. To that end the Panthers (and all other clubs as well) protect their QBs as much as humanly possible. While running through crazy antics on the field with massive numbers of players (the current roster number is 90, although the Panthers have only 88 players at this time..), it is very important for QBs to avoid unnecessary contact. To make certain that players can readily identify the QBs, they are (almost always) wearing a different color jersey. This is now, and has been for years, red. Red jerseys are easily seen and avoided. This is the reason they are used.

This year in phase 3, the Panthers have decided to change it up a little. The Offense and Defense are wearing Blue or White jerseys and the QBs are decked out in ...... BLACK. Probably won't stay that way, but for now it's different and is meant to instill a little camaraderie while keeping the QBs safe at the same time. The change, initiated by QB Coach Josh McCown***, has been well received.....

*** That is the way I first heard about it, HOWEVER ---  The IDEA was (apparently) the brainchild of QB Andy Dalton.

PANTHERS.COM:  Panthers QBs Turn-Out in BLACK Jerseys
This post was last modified: 06-06-2023, 11:03 PM by Hobbit99. Edit Reason: Clarification---
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

764 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-07-2023, 06:16 AM -
I’m taking part in my own OTA’s. I have worked out intensely a few new beers, hot dogs and chips to go with the ones i used last year. Not sure yet which ones but there will be a few cuts before the season gets here officially. Just really fortunate that I have training camp and preseason before I make my final selections. I don’t have the remote find tuned yet and I am still working out my side sauces, dips and a new brand of cheese. Not doubt it’s going to be difficult, clearly a few items that I know will be be cut but there will also be a surprise keeper or maybe two. You guys please support me, one way or the other I will get there by opening day.

My biggest concern, should I go with the small tiny baby back ribs or the larger proven St. Louis style ribs that have been so good over the years which have maintained their greatness by simply improving the sauce??? Decision Decisions!!!
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-07-2023, 12:55 PM -
ROTFLMAO...  Yourock

As far as your quandary about the ribs ..... I would contend that St. Louis style ribs represent the best of all possible options.

Some folks will argue that normal "spare ribs", the ORIGINAL choice, are the best. They're bigger, longer, and easier to handle. They are also the king when char-roasted over HOT coals, piled high and gnawed down to nothingness while being held securely with both hands. A quick par-boil followed by some time over a ripping-hot fire, quenched with a smoky, habanero sauce, they leave you always wanting more.

Other folks will say that nothing beats baby-backs. Juicy meaty goodness, more "substance' with less bone. Less chewing, more swallowing. The pig-lovers best friend. Still....they're more delicate on the grill and have a tendency to flare-up, almost uncontrollably sometimes. Very little, if any, "bark" and very little "chew" as well. They will require a lot more of your already divided attention during football season.... which as we all know, said 'attention' is frequently in short supply depending on how many Corona breaks have occurred.

That leaves St. Louis style for the discerning rib aficionado. Bigger and easier to handle than baby-backs with less fat and the accompanying fiery grill displays, while providing a worthwhile mouthful  of porky goodness along with the attendant "chew" and a bit of "bark" as well. Baste 'em up with some melted creamery butter mixed with your favorite smoky habanero sauce and slow-roast to perfection after a quick start on a ripping-hot grill.  Throw on a few ears of corn, washed and 'de-silked' but soaked and re-wrapped in the shucks. Oh My Goodness --- Honey Hush. !!!!  You gon have the whole county in your yard....

Yep.... definitely St. Louis style. Preferably served with a dish of "sop" left over from the grill, rolls and rolls of paper towels, and maybe an outdoor shower as well.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

764 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-07-2023, 04:53 PM -
Hobbit99ROTFLMAO...  Yourock

As far as your quandary about the ribs ..... I would contend that St. Louis style ribs represent the best of all possible options.

Some folks will argue that normal "spare ribs", the ORIGINAL choice, are the best. They're bigger, longer, and easier to handle. They are also the king when char-roasted over HOT coals, piled high and gnawed down to nothingness while being held securely with both hands. A quick par-boil followed by some time over a ripping-hot fire, quenched with a smoky, habanero sauce, they leave you always wanting more.

Other folks will say that nothing beats baby-backs. Juicy meaty goodness, more "substance' with less bone. Less chewing, more swallowing. The pig-lovers best friend. Still....they're more delicate on the grill and have a tendency to flare-up, almost uncontrollably sometimes. Very little, if any, "bark" and very little "chew" as well. They will require a lot more of your already divided attention during football season.... which as we all know, said 'attention' is frequently in short supply depending on how many Corona breaks have occurred.

That leaves St. Louis style for the discerning rib aficionado. Bigger and easier to handle than baby-backs with less fat and the accompanying fiery grill displays, while providing a worthwhile mouthful  of porky goodness along with the attendant "chew" and a bit of "bark" as well. Baste 'em up with some melted creamery butter mixed with your favorite smoky habanero sauce and slow-roast to perfection after a quick start on a ripping-hot grill.  Throw on a few ears of corn, washed and 'de-silked' but soaked and re-wrapped in the shucks. Oh My Goodness --- Honey Hush. !!!!  You gon have the whole county in your yard....

Yep.... definitely St. Louis style. Preferably served with a dish of "sop" left over from the grill, rolls and rolls of paper towels, and maybe an outdoor shower as well.

Worship i see you weee able to relate to my quandary!
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-07-2023, 10:19 PM -
(06-07-2023, 04:53 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Worship i see you weee able to relate to my quandary!

Yes sirree, Bob....  Just talkin' 'bout ribs and fixins was givin me a big ol' hankerin for some porcine product on a bed of hickory coals, and that's a fer shur thing. My mouth was a'waterin' and my tongue was a flapping' around so fast I was about to slap myself silly.  So.... I wandered off into the other room to see what I could see. I found what i was lookin' for too, you know I did.!!

I got me one of them standin' up frigerator things what keeps things cold (and hard..).  Took me a few minutes to remember how the door worked, but I figgered it out soon enuff. Anyway.... Once't I got 'er opened up (SON... let me tell y'all somethin'.... That there frigerator machine... It's colder'n a whore's heart in thar.. It's like winter inside that thing.!!).  Anyway, let's see, where was I..??.... Hmmm......

Oh yeah..... I went to lookin and searching' for me some ribs for the grill and smoker for this weekend. I found me six (6) cryo-packs of ribs in that frozen wasteland inside that frigeration thing. That's right, Jim-Bob Billy, SIX. And JIC someone cares...... One rack of Baby-Backs, One rack of beef ribs, and four racks of St. Louis style ribs. I don't s'pose that proves anything tho....  Oh wait... Found me two nice Massachusetts pig's ass things... Uhh, ...that don't sound right...  I member theys from Massachussetts tho..  Did I ever tell y'all about the time I flew into that big ol' airport up thar what sets on top of a cliff.... Boy, Howdy.!!  Now that's some kinda excitement, I'm here to tell ya.!! Logan somethin it was called. Wait... Boston Logan, that's it.  Now I kin remember... Boston, Massachusetts. Pig's ass things.  Boston... Boston...Butts. That's what them things are.!!  Anyway, I got me two of 'em. I think I'mma put 'em in the smoker and make me a bate of pulled pork with a nice bottle of HOT vinegar sauce.  I'll just keep them ribs in there for awhile yet. They won't spoil...... Damn, it's COLD inside that thing.
This post was last modified: 06-08-2023, 01:36 AM by Hobbit99.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

1,316 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-07-2023, 10:50 PM -
Funny/informative stuff hobbit n first.

Tried to post the article, failed, Burns(Brian) now wears #0.
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-08-2023, 01:28 AM -
(06-07-2023, 10:50 PM)Josh21 Wrote: Funny/informative stuff hobbit n first.

Tried to post the article, failed, Burns(Brian) now wears #0.

Sometimes weird things happen out in cyberspace. Thanks for the "heads-up", Josh.

Here you go:  PANTHERSFANZ  Forum Link  Brian Burns Number Change
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
06-08-2023, 03:29 PM -

Phase 3 of Panthers OTAs is in the books. Today being the last day, we now have some time off until June 13th when Mandatory Minicamp begins. Minicamp runs for three days, through the 15th. Then a nice long break until Training Camp begins in late July.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"

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