Ok, Hypothetical roster moves….
Started by BlackCatzFan

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08-31-2022, 09:33 PM -
I see what you’re saying, and I think you’re “overthinking” what I was saying. You added the part about a healthy Darnold, and took it literally that I meant BAKER over Darnold. I mean if QB1 goes down we would be in the exact same boat as predraft. (Still needing help but no worse off for wear) I don’t have a bias against Darnold. I couldn’t give a flying f….alcon? About who or what he has done or how he acts in my opinion on his abilities. All the nice guy stuff is great and I wish the best for all human beings, but when we are talking strictly “football” he makes poor decisions. Too many risky throws. I haven’t payed enough attention to Baker, honestly. Darnold did nothing in NYJ. He hasn’t done much to prove otherwise. That’s no fault of his. He hasn’t had the real chance yet.(coaching poor OLine, etc) Tbh I’m not really sold on Baker either, he hasn’t earned it yet. (Again, hasn’t had the chance yet). There’s nothing about like vs dislike, but more of ability and what they can do when then the ball is in play.

Your part about a healthy CMC is not really worth talking about, as CMC elevates people around him. He’s that good that when he’s not in, everyone is that bad. (Coaching anyone???)

Teddy is a cheap game manager. You’re also comparing backup stats to a starting QB Stat. But he’s still got a better TD:INT ratio than Darnold, he’s got a better rating. So with stats- I’d say he’s better. Again, not given a real chance. (No I don’t want Teddy either, he wouldn’t throw the deep ball)

Moral of the story, average QBs are what they are. And on below average teams like we are, they’re expendable. I feel draft capital is better than what he offers, really. Add that to poor coaching, and poor OLINE play, no one will succeed there.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ok, Hypothetical roster moves…. - by Josh21 - 08-30-2022, 11:07 PM
RE: Ok, Hypothetical roster moves…. - by coffee - 08-31-2022, 07:19 AM
RE: Ok, Hypothetical roster moves…. - by BlackCatzFan - 08-31-2022, 09:33 PM
RE: Ok, Hypothetical roster moves…. - by coffee - 08-31-2022, 10:11 PM

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