Cam Newton, the Panthers selection for Man Of The Year
Started by Firstchance

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12-12-2019, 11:53 PM -
(12-12-2019, 08:39 PM)Firstchance Wrote: You take that young CMC fellow. Certainly has done it on the field, not in the media, saved an elder man hiking, sponsors dare to play for downs kids, honors the military at every home game and grants make a wish. Certainly, clearly, Cam and his cross dressing, YouTube cigar smoking wine drinking making zero sense.... is the right choice.  

I wouldn’t even let my dog piss on Cam, the way he acts! And Im still wondering is he having foot surgery or a sex change surgery? 

Sorry just my opinion.
Well, i guess you've seen the latest picture.... Surgery must have been on his foot. At least that would explain the walking cast.  But naturally (and true to form..), there sits poor Cam in a wheel chair, dramatically posed in front of an airplane, wearing a big beautiful Alaskan/Eskimo hooded parka, waiting for some poor peon to come along and push him around. Yep, poor Cam, all 6'5" 250 lbs of him, strong, ripped, proud.!  Sitting back, staring morosely, waiting for one of his indentured servants to carry him around to his doting fans so they can get a closeup photo-op of The King.

Yep... That's the perfect photo as seen through the lens of our current "Cam"era.

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RE: Cam Newton, the Panthers selection for Man Of The Year - by Hobbit99 - 12-12-2019, 11:53 PM

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