09-13-2024, 09:14 AM -
For those who haven't seen it, here is a clip containing a few plays in the Thursday Night game. It's a short clip and the concussion happens almost at the end. It looks as if Tue causes the injury by lowering his head and impacting the defender's shoulder-arm-chest. Definitely not a "bad" hit by a defender. More like it was just an odd, strange happening. In golf, it would be sort of like, or explained like, "A rub of the green". Something that "just happened". Accidental, not premeditated, completely without intent.
Terribly unfortunate....
NATURALLY... The NFL refuses to let us "embed" this video. SMDH... Just click on the "Watch On YouTube" link....
Terribly unfortunate....
NATURALLY... The NFL refuses to let us "embed" this video. SMDH... Just click on the "Watch On YouTube" link....
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"