6 hours ago -
Some drafts only the top 4- 5 picks will be starters. I've heard that this year is very deep with number one picks being starters , and picking at 8 is good.
I think after combines,, Abdul Carter will be considered for the number 1 over all pick.
I don't think Carter will be there at 8, Nor Mason Graham
I do like Jalon Walker from Georgia. We could see him often as Ga was on TV a lot .
James Pearce Jr from Tenn . Lots of sacks.
I like the big guy at Texas, Alfred Collins , 320 lbs of prime Texas beef ,, He qualifies to be a Hog Molly ,,
I think after combines,, Abdul Carter will be considered for the number 1 over all pick.
I don't think Carter will be there at 8, Nor Mason Graham
I do like Jalon Walker from Georgia. We could see him often as Ga was on TV a lot .
James Pearce Jr from Tenn . Lots of sacks.
I like the big guy at Texas, Alfred Collins , 320 lbs of prime Texas beef ,, He qualifies to be a Hog Molly ,,