4 hours ago -
(Yesterday, 10:14 PM)Ladypanther Wrote: The New York Jets have agreed to bring on former NFL head coach Steve Wilks as the team’s defensive coordinator under coach Aaron Glenn, according to a league source.
I actually thought he was a better DB coach and [interim] HC than he was a DC. But...wish him the best of luck. Hope this works out for him. Definitely a good guy.
I was sorry to see Coach Wilks leave after that fiasco. Still, it seemed to me that he was carrying a load of disillusionment around at that time. He was never really happy, nor was he particularly successful.
I think Wilks is a good coach. He needs the right team, and he needs to get down off of his "high-horse" just a little. That lawsuit that he affiliated himself with did not serve him well. I think he would be a good Defensive coach for the Panthers. Unfortunately, he has already indicated that he is not interested in returning here. He can be successful. I hope this is the right time and place.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"