Cam Newton, the Panthers selection for Man Of The Year
Started by Firstchance

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Posting Freak

760 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 09:37 AM -

Thoughts?   Dodgy
Posting Freak

3,029 posts 563 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 12:38 PM -
Came over here to post this.... 1st beat me to it.

Thoughts = ?? Well, since you asked..... Now I'm certain that this team has lost their mind, AND everything else they're supposed to have as well.

SMH... i wonder who is promoting this travesty.?????
This post was last modified: 12-12-2019, 12:39 PM by Hobbit99.

2,334 posts 754 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 07:00 PM -
I personally have no problem with Cam being nominated, He DOES do a lot of stuff for the community and extended area. If you keep in mind that Cam is still just a big kid, it might make you reconsider how you feel about him. As for Man of the Year for the team, I don't know if he is the right choice or not, but I think as a man he is as good as any choice we have. Just my opinion.
Posting Freak

3,029 posts 563 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 08:06 PM -
(12-12-2019, 07:00 PM)PantherFan007 Wrote: I personally have no problem with Cam being nominated, He DOES do a lot of stuff for the community and extended area.  If you keep in mind that Cam is still just a big kid, it might make you reconsider how you feel about him.  As for Man of the Year for the team, I don't know if he is the right choice or not, but I think as a man he is as good as any choice we have.  Just my opinion.

Not being argumentative--(okay, maybe just a little)-- but here is the deal.  The MOTY award his supposed to represent the player (only ONE..) from each team who is being recognized for "...excellence ON and off the field" according to the mission statement. While Cam has his moments off the field, his ON field 'excellence' is not in just doesn't exist. For the past couple of years Cam has done very little other than blow his own horn. That has been one unproductive $20 million dollar per year albatross.
OFF the field, Cam spends some time with kids, that's true. I give him props for that. But really, its more fluff than not. He spends a little then puts himself in the center of the accolades. Every opportunity is a photo-op. Everything is about Cam..... Cam no longer walks around and into places. Cam strolls...kicked back, fancy clothes, personal 'hatter', big $100 stogie...... always aping for the camera. If it doesn't benefit Cam, he doesn't do it.

So, it's nice that he "helps out" the kids a little. Anything is welcome. But lets not make it into something it's not. The fact remains, this award is supposed to represent something. If Cam is the best we have ON and OFF the field....... we are in a world of hurt.!!

And for the record..I realize you know this, but I'll state it here anyway.  I LIKE Cam. I was a 'believer' once upon a time. I supported Cam vocally and in person. But truth told, that was quite a few years back....back when Cam was a football player.  These days.?? Uhhh, not so much.

"Walter Payton Man of the Year"...... ????   Surely you jest.!!
Posting Freak

760 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 08:39 PM -
You take that young CMC fellow. Certainly has done it on the field, not in the media, saved an elder man hiking, sponsors dare to play for downs kids, honors the military at every home game and grants make a wish. Certainly, clearly, Cam and his cross dressing, YouTube cigar smoking wine drinking making zero sense.... is the right choice.
This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 09:04 AM by Firstchance.
Posting Freak

1,310 posts 67 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 09:45 PM -
First, I copy the 1st paragraph! Rest I can't get behind.

U are a funny guy, though. ?
Posting Freak

3,029 posts 563 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-12-2019, 11:53 PM -
(12-12-2019, 08:39 PM)Firstchance Wrote: You take that young CMC fellow. Certainly has done it on the field, not in the media, saved an elder man hiking, sponsors dare to play for downs kids, honors the military at every home game and grants make a wish. Certainly, clearly, Cam and his cross dressing, YouTube cigar smoking wine drinking making zero sense.... is the right choice.  

I wouldn’t even let my dog piss on Cam, the way he acts! And Im still wondering is he having foot surgery or a sex change surgery? 

Sorry just my opinion.
Well, i guess you've seen the latest picture.... Surgery must have been on his foot. At least that would explain the walking cast.  But naturally (and true to form..), there sits poor Cam in a wheel chair, dramatically posed in front of an airplane, wearing a big beautiful Alaskan/Eskimo hooded parka, waiting for some poor peon to come along and push him around. Yep, poor Cam, all 6'5" 250 lbs of him, strong, ripped, proud.!  Sitting back, staring morosely, waiting for one of his indentured servants to carry him around to his doting fans so they can get a closeup photo-op of The King.

Yep... That's the perfect photo as seen through the lens of our current "Cam"era.
Posting Freak

760 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-13-2019, 09:14 AM -
(12-12-2019, 09:45 PM)Josh21 Wrote: First, I copy the 1st paragraph!  Rest I can't get behind.

  U are a funny guy, though.  ?
I fixed it buddy...
Posting Freak

3,029 posts 563 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-13-2019, 09:28 PM -
    For those who haven't see it yet......

Here is our WPMOY candidate...... Angel
Posting Freak

1,310 posts 67 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-14-2019, 12:56 AM -
Firstchance Wrote:
Josh21 Wrote:First, I copy the 1st paragraph!  Rest I can't get behind.

  U are a funny guy, though.  ?
I fixed it buddy...
Don't censor it for me, u have a right to feel how u feel.  U are a funny guy though.  Honestly.

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