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Where did all the conversations go? - Printable Version

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RE: Where did all the conversations go? - Josh21 - 09-09-2020

Got distracted by the beer flu. ?

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - coffee - 09-10-2020

I think so. That and the fact that we know so little about our team. Once things get moving in the season, we'll get going.

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - OceanPanther - 09-10-2020

A couple of things..
First, Hope you're feeling better 007 ...

I agree with Coffee.. We've had so much turn over in players and a new coaching staff. I really don't identify with this team YET ,, I will.. once I see who is playing.. What the coaching staff learning curve is we'll also know more.

I've also had it rough with business since March ( covid ) Many of us have.. but I'm ok, , But all that along with not much going on publicly with the Panthers has had me away from the board..


RE: Where did all the conversations go? - Josh21 - 09-10-2020

How bout this...less than an hour n FOOTBALL is finally back!

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - Josh21 - 09-11-2020

KC looked very much the part. CEH looks like he’ll add the run they needed. Good showing for them. Could be bad for the rest of the afc.

I missed football!!

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - Josh21 - 09-11-2020

Ok, I tried. C y’all on Sunday. ?

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - PantherFan007 - 09-13-2020

It just hasn't felt like "Football" for me yet. I watched a couple of college games yesterday and even then it didn't feel real.

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - coffee - 09-14-2020

Yeah, that and the game yesterday felt like I was watching a bad recording of someone else's team.  Like you say, it just doesn't feel like football is real yet.

RE: Where did all the conversations go? - Josh21 - 09-20-2020

Shoulda kept Harrison butler.