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Anybody notice - Josh21 - 11-15-2023

This is the Keep Poinding game?  Against Dal?  Our first big playoff win?  Oh tell me there’s a chance!  We get 16 points on o, n give up 0 on o, we win the last 3 games.  I know it’s a stretch, just some positive juju. 

 Not Jobu, hah

RE: Anybody notice - Josh21 - 11-16-2023

Really just trying out a positive spin. Or any talk. Digg away! Talk has stopped. Know it’s dour, but any improvement, is improvement. Don’t expect a win, just freaking put up a fight!

RE: Anybody notice - Hobbit99 - 11-16-2023

I did.  I DID.!!  I NOTICED..!!

At least I think I did...??  Tell me again, I've forgotten.  What were we supposed to have maybe (possibly) noticed. Wait, I know. I'll just go back and look..!!!

Let's see now ..... 
Quote:This is the Keep Poinding game?  Against Dal?  Our first big playoff win?  Oh tell me there’s a chance!  We get 16 points on o, n give up 0 on o, we win the last 3 games.  I know it’s a stretch, just some positive juju.

Ohh, THAT.!! --- No, sorry.  I didn't notice. I was too busy whimpering and whining and crying. My football team has abandoned me in my time of need.  I don't ask for much. Just a few wins. A team that can break even in the W-L column every season. They don't have to win anything important, like a title of some sort or a even a Division championship. Just a winning season. That's not too much to ask for, is it? LOOK.!! Over there.  That's MY TEAM. Aren't they great? Oh yeah, I forgot. They've abandoned me. They don't care that I spent ALL my available cash on team merch. My kids (well, GRANDkids) will have to go without their new NIKEs this week, and I won't be able to buy them their new weekly iPhone. The girls won't get their new hair extensions or "witchy" nails or Jimmy Choos. The boys will have to do without their new biker leathers this week. You think the Panthers care.?? Hah, FAT CHANCE. They hand out a bunch of platitudes, pat me on the head like a little boy, and say ...
"Ahhhh, don't be sad. Go on home and save up. Come back when you've got a lot of money to spend.!!" Yep, that's my team.!  They really know how to make a guy feel better about his 'situation'. Quite a collection of Horse-Exhaust and Heiffer-Dust shoveled together in a big pile and heaped upon us in return for our residual, available income. 
PLEASE NOTE: Here is the point at which you need to imagine the 'North end of a South-bound horse'.

.[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47f8xqijvx91l9kdqsek...y.gif&ct=g]

RE: Anybody notice - Josh21 - 11-16-2023

I was gonna post a negative thread as well…. Alas now we have two. Hehe.

RE: Anybody notice - Firstchance - 11-16-2023

Don’t they play the game of football to, uh, simply play the game of football. Participation trophies ordered.

RE: Anybody notice - Josh21 - 11-16-2023

Not in this league first. Life, uhh yeah

RE: Anybody notice - Firstchance - 11-16-2023

Josh is right. 46-13 Panthers.

(11-16-2023, 08:10 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Josh is right. 46-13 Panthers.

Even if the Cowboys has sold out the stadium.

RE: Anybody notice - Hobbit99 - 11-16-2023

(11-16-2023, 08:10 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Josh is right. 46-13 Panthers.

(11-16-2023, 08:10 PM)Firstchance Wrote: Josh is right. 46-13 Panthers.

Even if the Cowboys has sold out the stadium.

You sure about that, First??

You ain't smoking' them left-handed cigarettes are ya??

RE: Anybody notice - Josh21 - 11-16-2023

Never said a win, employed to compete. Do that against a good opponent. All I’ve said. I want progress.

Wanna win, yeah.

Predicting one? Go look back n quote me.

Please don’t put my name in Rediculousness statements when I didn’t say it.

Sorry if that was in appropriate.

Sorry if that was in appropriate.

Sorry First, I don’t like my words twisted. Love to win. Would be surprised if it happens.

So the positive try failed.

I tried. Not much positive obviously.

RE: Anybody notice - Hobbit99 - 11-17-2023

(11-16-2023, 11:12 PM)Josh21 Wrote: Never said a win, employed to compete.  Do that against a good opponent.  All I’ve said.  I want progress.

EDIT - Chop --- EDIT - Chop

I tried.  Not much positive obviously.

Positivity is always welcome.  But, you're correct, there is precious little to be upbeat about this week.  Anything COULD happen, but I believe the Cowgirls will beat us like a drum.
