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DONTARI POE....GONE... Cowboys - Printable Version

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DONTARI POE....GONE... Cowboys - Hobbit99 - 03-25-2020

Its being reported that Poe is now going to be a Cowboy. "Agreed to terms.." is the wording.

As reported here by Panthers Wire:

RE: DONTARI POE....Gone... Cowboys - PantherFan007 - 03-25-2020

I have been watching that develop over the past week. I didn't really feel like it was an issue, as the Panthers did not pick up the option on him this offseason. I knew then he was a goner. Not much of an impact, though. Poe really disappointed me from what I was expecting when we first signed him.

RE: DONTARI POE....Gone... Cowboys - Hobbit99 - 03-25-2020

Poe is really a Nose Tackle. He didn't stand out here mostly because we weren't playing a 3-4 base most of the time. And, when we were, we played it badly. Seriously, our change to a 3-4 base was ill-advised for the most part. Thankfully, we don't play out of our base defense most of the time. The one positive thing that I can think of is our much improved, increased, QB pressure.
Have to see what the ramifications are and what the new staff intends to do, moving forward.

RE: DONTARI POE....Gone... Cowboys - Hobbit99 - 03-27-2020

I've been thinking about this:

It just occured to me that we have become a "farm team" for the Dallas Cowboys.!!  
Does anyone realize that we are responsible for building/upgtading their Interior D-Line.??  In the past couple of weeks we have either cut or NOT signed the middle of our D-line ---- and both of these guys have signed with Dallas.!!

Gerald McCoy
Dontari Poe

Say what you want about them, but both of these guys are pro-bowl caliber DTs AND both of them are injury resistant. Both have played in almost every game and neither have experienced a disabling injury of any kind......  NOW Dallas will concentrate on other positions in the draft.....