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KYLE PITTS WITH THE EIGHTH PICK? - PantherFan007 - 04-15-2021

I know we need all kinds of help along the O-line, etc., but if Kyle Pitts is available when we pick, we had BETTER snag him up.  He is the best player of any position in this entire draft.  If five quarterbacks are gone before we pick, that narrows it down a bit.  Would you skip a once in a lifetime player like Kyle Pitts to draft a Tackle?  I think not.  You can get a serviceable tackle, but Kyle Pitts is a freaking gamer changer. 


RE: KYLE PITTS WITH THE EIGHTH PICK? - coffee - 04-15-2021

Definitely! But, even if 5 QBs go before us I think we'd have to trade up and I don't know that I'd want to do that.

RE: KYLE PITTS WITH THE EIGHTH PICK? - Firstchance - 04-16-2021

No doubt that Pitts is a monster, I just can’t see them drafting him IF, notice the big if, Slater or Sewell are still available. I just feel a starting OT for years to come is just so much more valuable than a TE for years to come.

RE: KYLE PITTS WITH THE EIGHTH PICK? - Josh21 - 04-17-2021

Agreed that we need a lt. But if he falls to us...oh boy. Need v best player in draft at position in need of upgrading. I’d take pitts if sewel is of the board. Glad I’m not a gm.

Not a sure fire lt in this class past the top 2-3 I think, maybe not even them, so tough choice. Think he’ll be gone by 8 though. We need several good picks.