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Say it isn’t so! - Printable Version

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Say it isn’t so! - Firstchance - 05-03-2021

Luke has resigned.

RE: Say it isn’t so! - PantherFan007 - 05-03-2021

I don't get it.... ?

RE: Say it isn’t so! - PantherFan007 - 05-03-2021

OH! Resigns. I was reading it as "re-signs" :(

RE: Say it isn’t so! - Firstchance - 05-04-2021

Sorry about that misunderstanding. Doing everything from a phone is cumbersome. But I hate that connection with Luke is ending. Mark my word one day he will lead the front office of a successful nfl organization.

RE: Say it isn’t so! - PantherFan007 - 05-04-2021

(05-04-2021, 07:33 AM)Firstchance Wrote: Sorry about that misunderstanding. Doing everything from a phone is cumbersome. But I hate that connection with Luke is ending. Mark my word one day he will lead the front office of a successful nfl organization.

I found it ironic that he resigns at the same time they are talking about bringing in Dan Connor as Assistant GM.   Dodgy