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Dan Morgan officially back in town. - Printable Version

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Dan Morgan officially back in town. - Firstchance - 05-08-2021

Dan is one of my all time favorites. He played with his heart and emotions. However, if, and it’s a big if, it had anything to do with Luke, that makes me unhappy.

RE: Dan Morgan officially back in town. - PantherFan007 - 05-08-2021

I always liked Dan. I agree with the Luke situation. I wholeheartedly hope it wasn't the cause of Luke leaving.

RE: Dan Morgan officially back in town. - coffee - 05-09-2021

I can't see a connection right now. When they announced that Luke was gone, they said he had resigned "a couple weeks ago." It wasn't until after that that they asked for permission to interview DM. So, I don't think the timing's right for it to be about that.