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OFFICIAL FINAL GAMEDAY THREAD 2019 - Saints @ Panthers - Printable Version

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OFFICIAL FINAL GAMEDAY THREAD 2019 - Saints @ Panthers - PantherFan007 - 12-29-2019

Looking forward to solidifying our Draft Stock today as we suffer thru what will probably be another loss. At this point, a loss would be more beneficial to us than a meaningless win. 


RE: OFFICIAL FINAL GAMEDAY THREAD 2019 - Saints @ Panthers - Scjimk - 12-29-2019

Yeah, it's time to quit kicking a dead horse. The Panthers can only look up. Many teams have been in our position of needing to rebuild and some have done very well. I'm looking forward to to a positive future for the Panthers. I'm picking the Panthers to win today just because.

RE: OFFICIAL FINAL GAMEDAY THREAD 2019 - Saints @ Panthers - Firstchance - 12-29-2019

34-12 Saints in front of a 2/3 empty stadium.

RE: OFFICIAL FINAL GAMEDAY THREAD 2019 - Saints @ Panthers - PantherFan007 - 12-29-2019

I predicted to my wife before the game that the final score would be 49-3 Saints. I missed it by a little bit but not much.