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T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE..... - Printable Version

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T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE..... - Hobbit99 - 12-24-2021

Hey Everyone..!!

Just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a very merry Christmas. It's not the lights and the presents.... Please keep in mind the "reason for the season". This is a time to celebrate.!! We celebrate the birth of our Savior. Thank God for everything....and most importantly for our Lord Jesus.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas. Tell your family how much you love them.!

May God bless all of you.!!

RE: T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE..... - PantherFan007 - 12-24-2021

Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to all of you here at Panthersfanz!

Yes, indeed, please remember the reason for the season!

And may God Bless you all!


RE: T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE..... - Josh21 - 12-24-2021

Merry Christmas guys n gals!