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Spot on assessment. - Printable Version

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Spot on assessment. - Firstchance - 01-13-2022

RE: Spot on assessment. - Josh21 - 01-14-2022

I don’t nessisarialy believe in Darnold, but our ol HAS to be better next year. If so it would let us see what Darnold has. I’m guessing it’s a mid tier qb. Maybe better than average.. we need to know. Can’t w/o an ol. n a running game would also help.

RE: Spot on assessment. - PantherFan007 - 01-15-2022

You know, I have read and re-read this article several times since you first posted it, and to be honest, I still cannot find anything I really disagree with. Bag

I will predict it now, unless the Panthers win out their first six games this coming year, Matt Rhule won't make it to Thanksgiving as HC of the Panthers.