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Rhule is the MAN! - Firstchance - 01-07-2020

Panthers hired ex-Baylor coach Matt Rhule as head coach.

Rhule was initially set to interview with the Giants on Tuesday but apparently kept off the plane after Panthers owner David Tepper spent Monday in Waco with the Baylor coach and his family. While it will undoubtedly take a full reload to put the Panthers back on the map, Carolina's vacancy had to be more intriguing than the Giants' gig given Rhule's proven track record of building organizations from the ground up — most recently Baylor University's. A quick agreement from both sides also entails the 44-year-old has CEO duties, especially since Tepper has reportedly agreed to help Rhule build a sports science/recovery program similar to the one he created at Baylor. Current Lions QBs coach Sean Ryan was Rhule's choice for OC last year, so expect the former to jump ship in the coming days.

Rumor has it that Sean Ryan ( not Buddy josh ) will be the OC. ( this is an awesome move, imo )

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - Hobbit99 - 01-07-2020

Well..... !!!!!

First beat me to it......

I will say though. I felt very strongly about this.. I mentioned Rhule several weeks back as a favorite (MY favorite,,,), and several more times since then. Hate to say it, BUT.....

I TOLD YOU SO.!!, I TOLD YOU SO.!!! Now comes 'the rest of the story'....... Interesting speculation about the rest of the coaching staff coming up. We should know fairly quickly who the main players are. I want to see the Coordinators, the QB coach, and the Line coaches.

The position coaches will fall in line behind the coordinators and are not quite as important in the overall scheme.

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - PantherFan007 - 01-07-2020

Here's what I wonder about for this signing. Which quality OC's are going to be willing to sit behind a "rookie" NFL HC? If it's an ego thing for them, keep on walking. But, I could see him learning a lot, and leaning on a lot of experienced coaches in the NFL, "IF" he can line up a staff worthy being here.

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - coffee - 01-07-2020

This seems like an 'all or nothing' deal. Either he's gonna make the transition to pro seamlessly and be a great coach for us or we'll wind up with the #1 pick and a new coach in a couple years.

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - iiwii - 01-07-2020

Sounds like the Sean Ryan move has some real legs according to this from Lionswire:

Any rumors about DC?

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - Hobbit99 - 01-07-2020

Like I said earlier.... I want to see the Coordinators. Also the Line coaches, and the QB coach. The rest of them will fall in line. Sean Ryan seems pretty sharp. Might be a decent OC.... maybe.

I actually think that an assistant guy like Norv (maybe..???) might be a good idea. Norv doesn't say a lot, doesn't stir the pot, but he SEES and UNDERSTANDS everything. Could be a calming, stabilizing influence.  Understand, I'm not advocating for Norv. Rhule is his own man. But an older, quiet, assistant could lend a little balance for a year or two.  Probably won't happen, but.......

RE: Rhule is the MAN! - Josh21 - 01-08-2020

I hope we get a DC who can stop the run. First step n all I want.

Please stop the run. Might help.