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Baker Mayfield Explains Perks of Joint Practices, Getting more Comfortable. - Printable Version

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Baker Mayfield Explains Perks of Joint Practices, Getting more Comfortable. - PantherFan007 - 08-18-2022

The more I see Mayfield, the more I like him.  I like his honest answers, including a few tongue-in-cheek humorous ones that he gives.    He sounds like everything is coming from him, and never sounds like he is reading from a queue card or reciting something he memorized back at the hotel room.

One thing that stood out to me in this interview was about the fights that broke out.  He says "we've gotta protect our guys, but at the same time we have to be smart".  He was in there helping break up the Melee on at least one fight which, I'm sure, will give him another couple of street-cred points from the other players.