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TERRACE MARSHALL MAKES NFL "CAN'T MISS PLAYS" - The Knees Reception" - Printable Version

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TERRACE MARSHALL MAKES NFL "CAN'T MISS PLAYS" - The Knees Reception" - PantherFan007 - 12-12-2022


Sorry I wasn't on here yesterday, very busy weekend, but I did manage to record the game and watch it last night until it was much later than my usual bedtime lol

But Terrace Marshall, Jr, dang man, that catch wasn't pretty but Sheesh, was it funny!

RE: TERRACE MARSHALL MAKES NFL "CAN'T MISS PLAYS" - The Knees Reception" - Hobbit99 - 12-12-2022

You know, the funniest (oddest, weirdest, etc.) thing about that catch...... Marshall created it.  Watch the play.... Darnold threw that ball into a VERY tight window (perfectly...or at least almost..) and hit Marshall in the hands. Marshall has the ball "leak' through his hands then began the circus that ended in the highlight-reel catch.

Yes, definitely a highlight-reel catch. But no one could have orchestrated that better. Obviously, he didn't do it on purpose, but he definitely 'caused' the mess, then luckily 'cleaned it up'.

What a hilarious mess.!!! Big Grin Big Grin

RE: TERRACE MARSHALL MAKES NFL "CAN'T MISS PLAYS" - The Knees Reception" - PantherFan007 - 12-12-2022

The funny thing is that if he had not eventually touched the ball with his hands, it would/could have been ruled as an incompletion.

RE: TERRACE MARSHALL MAKES NFL "CAN'T MISS PLAYS" - The Knees Reception" - Hobbit99 - 12-12-2022

Yep... you're right.. You have to "control" the ball for it to be ruled a "catch." The only way to control a football is with at least one hand.