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Strength of Schedule--2020 - Printable Version

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Strength of Schedule--2020 - Hobbit99 - 02-19-2020

Here is a link to the 2020 Strength of Schedule for all 32 teams. Seems strange, but when you read the formula it gets clearer. Each team plays against four divisional 1st place teams, four divisional 2nd place teams, four divisional 3rd place teams, and four divisional 4th place teams. The differences are made up by which division is your "home" (hence two games each..), and which of the other seven divisions are in your rotation this year. Some divisions (and teams..) are projected stronger based on last years record, hence the disparity in ranking.  Of course we all KNOW that last years record means NOTHING.... RIGHT.???

Panthers S-o-S is pretty much in the middle of the pack in 2020.