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CAM NEWTON---WHAT'S HE DOING THESE DAYS..??? - Printable Version

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CAM NEWTON---WHAT'S HE DOING THESE DAYS..??? - Hobbit99 - 03-21-2023

So, What exactly is Cam doing these days..??  Good question apparently.  Most of us would say..."kickin' back, smoking big stogies, drinking wine, and wearing funny hats imitating Little Red Riding Hood or the Queen (Rest in peace..), AND obviously spending LOTS of money.!!  He's good at talking crap and telling anyone who will listen just how great a QB he STILL is.

So..... apparently Cam has decided to warm up his arm and do a public demonstration of his capability. He is all set to throw for scouts (and whomever..) on Auburn's Pro Day.  YES, you heard it here first. Cam is throwing at Auburn's Pro day.  His latest statement to the "press" or whatever you want to call them was something like... "...I'm better than all the QBs in the NFC South." That may not be a direct quote, but it's pretty close....

Here is the link...

PANTHERS WIRE:  Cam Newton To Throw At Auburn's Pro day

RE: CAM NEWTON---WHAT'S HE DOING THESE DAYS..??? - Firstchance - 03-21-2023

What he is not doing is working out for the Panthers. No more drama, 100% football please.

RE: CAM NEWTON---WHAT'S HE DOING THESE DAYS..??? - PantherFan007 - 03-22-2023

I saw that last night and had to chuckle. I'm surprised he didn't try going to the Combine again :lol:

RE: CAM NEWTON---WHAT'S HE DOING THESE DAYS..??? - Hobbit99 - 03-22-2023

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again.....  I was a very vocal Cam supporter (fan-boy). But Cam was on a very severe downhill spiral after the Super Bowl run in 2015. When his rookie deal finished and he received his huge renewal contract (HUGE back then..), everything changed.  Cam became the NFL's elite Prima-Donna.  Everything was about Cam.  By the end of 2017, Cam was effectively finished.  He smoked VERY expensive cigars, drank big glasses of VERY expensive wine, contracted with his own personal "hatter", dressed like a fool, and in general, made an ass of himself. He initiated and supported the giant hype train that followed him. 

WTH... Who needs a "personal 'hatter'" --- Seriously.??

I was amazed and dismayed.  What a waste of a good Quarterback.