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MOVING ON...??? Bradberry.?? - Printable Version

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MOVING ON...??? Bradberry.?? - Hobbit99 - 03-02-2020

According to Jourdan Rodrique the Panthers are not interested in using the Tag on Bradberry. Nor are they particularly interested in his 15 Mil asking price....... 

As reported here on Rotoworld.

RE: MOVING ON...??? Bradberry.?? - PantherFan007 - 03-03-2020

Look, I like Bradberry "ok" (note the short "ok" and not the long "OKAY!") He has been a serviceable cornerback, but he is nothing close to what I could call a shutdown corner. And, personally, I think $15 Million is a little on the high side compared to what he delivers. And that is not a knock on him, just what I consider a fair assessment.

But one thing is for sure, if we are not careful, we are going to be starting a bunch of rookies and/or UDFAs this year, because everyone that has any talent at all will be gone.

The team seriously needs to consider this move carefully.