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Henry Anderson re-ups - Printable Version

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Henry Anderson re-ups - Firstchance - 03-21-2023

The perfect DE in a 3-4 defense, in my opinion.

RE: Henry Anderson re-ups - Josh21 - 03-21-2023

Think the same first. Good pickup.

RE: Henry Anderson re-ups - PantherFan007 - 03-21-2023

Glad to see him back! I think he'll be better in a 3-4 than what we had last year.

RE: Henry Anderson re-ups - Hobbit99 - 03-21-2023

They listened to me, they listened to me.!!!  Of course, that's only twice out of twenty-some.... I don't have a very good average.!!

I'm PLEASED.  Anderson is sort of a prototypical DE. He switched around a little last year so he COULD play standing up as well as down on the line. I really like the way things are shaping up.

Here is the link to the Panthers story.

PANTHERS.COM:  Henry Anderson re-signs With The Panthers.