(12-21-2019, 02:49 PM)Scjimk Wrote: I think that Tepper has enough football exposure and savvy to head a group to find our next head coach. The remaining staff will then follow suit. Not McCarthy though hopefully.
The matter of "tanking" makes me wonder if you could tell the difference from normal play?
Well.... Don't know if WE (you/me..) could tell, but someone could. OR someone would speak up and mention the 'process'.
I've said it before, and i'll say it again: "Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so!" 1919--Kid to Shoeless Joe Jackson. If you don't recognize the reference, eight players including "Shoeless Joe" decided to play 'down' below their 'normal' effort levels. Lots of hearts were broken, heroes were sullied, and the game was changed forever.-----1919 World Series--Chicago White Sox vs. Cincinnati Reds--Will be forever known as the "Black Sox Scandal".
Games of sport must be played to the highest possible level. Anything less is unacceptable.