Started by Hobbit99

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Posting Freak

1,318 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-03-2023, 09:44 PM -
I really think our down n distance strategy is hurting us. We are so he’ll bent on being 3rd n 3, we are sacrificing 1st n 2nd down. We’ve been too run heavy on 1st down (including screens). Throw the ball on fist downs some. At the least down the seems (hello te). I’m a fan, but that seems an easy fix. Just me guys.
Posting Freak

1,318 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 12:08 AM -
I see the positives, but see the negative as well.
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 10:36 AM -
(10-03-2023, 09:44 PM)Josh21 Wrote: I really think our down n distance strategy is hurting us.  We are so he’ll bent on being 3rd n 3, we are sacrificing 1st n 2nd down.  We’ve been too run heavy on 1st down (including screens).  Throw the ball on fist downs some.  At the least down the seems (hello te).  I’m a fan, but that seems an easy fix.  Just me guys.

THIS is a very good observation. Our 1st and 2nd down plays are way, WAY too easy to diagnose. Even with a "run first" offense, there is a requirement to mix up the plays. You can't let the defense "set up camp" against the run game or you will NEVER have success. It's like just "giving away" 1-2 plays in every series. No room for success there.

And THAT responsibility falls directly on Reich.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

765 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 05:24 PM -
May I ask a question?

Week in and week out, regardless of what your record is, shouldn’t the motivation, the desire, the reason we play the game … is to win.

If so, which QB on our roster (and for some reason we only have 2), do YOU believe gives us the best chance of winning.
This post was last modified: 10-04-2023, 09:06 PM by Firstchance.
Posting Freak

1,318 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 07:09 PM -
Right now it would be Daulton. But Bryce has the potential to be much better than Andy. I know your stance on the Young fellow.
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 09:16 PM -
(10-04-2023, 05:24 PM)Firstchance Wrote: May I ask a question? ------ Huh.?? Of Course !!!  Permission is only needed if you're a rookie. Even then Mr. Bond, James Bond, will usually grant permission to speak freely as long as said 'rookie' offers up the correct obeisance. Usually a deferential bowing of the head is enough, accompanied with a proper handshake and a 'palmed' 'C' note.  But..... since you, my friend, are NOT a 'rookie', the deferential stance is definitely not needed. Besides, you have become very adept in the usage of humorous context and adroit witty rejoinders. More, please.!!  Say it, First.!! You know you want to.... 

Week in and week out, regardless of what your record is, shouldn’t the motivation, the desire, the reason we okay the game … is to win. ----- You are, of course, correct. At least In My Not So Humble Opinion (IMNSHO). The object of the game SHOULD be to win. Unfortunately, it appears that current politics allow for a certain amount of 'discretion' on the part of the coaching hierarchy when it comes to "winning". Playing to win has become secondary (or tertiary..) to the body politic..... Nepotism is alive and well.... and living in full view in the Panthers Coaching Staff.!!

If so, which QB on our roster (and for some reason we only have 2), so YOU believe gives us the best chance of winning.  ----- Ahhh, you're asking for an 'opinion'..???  Well, ....... Alrighty then..!!!

I will attempt to answer the question as posed....   Bryce Young is NOT now, nor will he ever be (probably..) a Top 10 QB in the NFL. He's played three games and lost them all. He's a "rookie" for gosh sake. There are very, VERY few rookie QBs who are deserving of being anointed as " chance of winning", and Bryce Young is certainly not one of them. So the obvious answer here is ---- Andy Dalton.

Let me expand on that (quickly..). Bryce Young is 'personable', mentally aware and skillful, well spoken, and humble. His approach to the game is fine. He wants to win and plays like it.  Unfortunately,  He's A Freaking ROOKIE.!!  He's a Japanese 'Bonzai' in a league of 'Sequoias'. And "Yes, James, in the NFL --- SIZE DOES MATTER.!!"

If this were a competition for a college scout, or a PR person, or maybe even a 'management' job, Bryce Young would probably get the nod. But seriously, would you put Young in charge of the weight training room??  For the same reason, using the same thinking, he is NOT "the best chance of winning."  He is NOT experienced. He is NOT physically gifted. He is NOT ready. How could anyone possibly think he was the "best chance of winning" .. ???  There are a couple of reasons that Young is playing. None of them are because he is the "best" option.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

1,318 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-04-2023, 10:31 PM -
Well reasoned response.
Posting Freak

765 posts 85 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-05-2023, 07:41 AM -
Very well reasoned as always.

I’m slightly more off the cuff. What I have a hard time trying to figure out in my mind is this… players, coaches, owners, the league and the majority of the fans EXPECT their team to go out play hard and attempt to win EVEN when they become out of playoff contention.

My feelings of Young aside (yes I still feel as though he was the biggest bust in the draft and we even gave up as seats for him)….and I understand he need to develop, but can’t he develop in practice? Can’t he be thrown in when and if your season is gone, to develop.

It’s speculation entirely, but most of all we do here is speculation… I just have that gut feeling that Tepper wanted him, he owns the team so that is perfectly fine but why criticize the staff when it is obvious that Young can’t throw the ball with accuracy 15-20 downfield. Heck over half his pass completions is no more than like a handoff to a RB. But I think Reich has to do that to have a chance on winning, there is not another option… at this point. His play calling was slightly different than the Seattle game but was that because Dalton has that ability and Young doesn’t or at least has not shown such in practice.

Tepper can do anything he wants, he paid for it, he has that right. But it’s my opinion until he steps away and accepts letting football people be football people this organization is stuck in quick sand.

Not trying to be a conspiracist just how I have viewed things since Tepper bought this team.
Okay, now y’all can bash me.
Posting Freak

1,318 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
10-05-2023, 01:08 PM -
No bashing from here First. Everybody feels like they do. I can’t make anyone feel differently, but the team can. I hope the warm and fuzzies come for us all this year. Hasn’t happened yet.

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