Almost Christmas, Green Bay week, random thoughts
Started by Ladypanther

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155 posts 17 threads Joined: Mar 2020
12-22-2023, 11:35 AM -
Merry Christmas To All The Panther Fanz who hang in with them, win or Lose. and lose again. But each week, we all think, this is the week we change our course.
May all your Christmas's be blessed., Stay Safe and Healthy.

Ok,, We got this.. we can beat those rasscally packers.. They are down.. the lowly giants did it. They are hanging by a thread.. and we can break that thread.. Win the Turnover battle,, and NO STUPID PENALTIES .. WE GOT THIS ONE,
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-22-2023, 01:14 PM -
Panthers Fanz all -- Greetings and Salutations

2023 has been a real test for the team and for the fans as well. From an early ebullient start where everyone had high hopes for a possible berth in the playoffs, to our current state where trials, tribulations, and turmoil have slowly beaten this team into submission, the Panthers have continued to put a good face on things while trotting out onto the field to play every week. So far, those efforts have been largely for naught. With three games left to play, the Panthers entered week 16 looking ahead to Sunday at B of A where they would pull on pads and lace up cleats to face off against the GB Packers. With Jacksonville and the Bucs to follow, the 'Pack' may be our last real opportunity to pull out another win.

I predicted Green Bay to win this game some time back and there is still a very good chance that will happen. But GB has fallen on tough times too. If we can continue to play solid Defense and ST, win the TO battle, and win 3rd down, we have a chance to win this one. I am hoping that we can play inspired football and win.

The Panthers have done a yeoman's job on Defense this year. ST has held up as well. The Offense has been, in a word, "offensive". Showing a little 'heart' last week, it gives me some hope for this game.

I'm not certain what has happened with all of the injuries this year. Unlike anything I've seen previously. Sometimes I think we have more 'starters' on IR than we do on the active roster.

Brian Burns has been a huge disappointment. For a guy 'demanding' to be paid as a 'Top 5' OLB -- well, I just don't see it. As a matter of fact, I am not certain we shouldn't entertain the option of a trade. Can't tie up that much in a guy who is WAY underperforming. Honestly, our Defense has been solid "in spite of" Burns rather than "because of".

Sure hope we can retain Brown and Luvu. Also hope JayCee Horn stays healthy. We WILL need them next year.

Fingers crossed for Austin Corbett. Waiting for the return of Brady Christensen as well. Hayden Hurst REALLY concerns me....only positive wishes for him and for all of the injured Panthers.

Chuba Hubbard has been one of a very few bright spots this year. Powerful and quick.

Adam Thielen has been proving that "old man" is just a name. We have a couple of really good other guys too. DJ Chark and Jonathon Mingo add value, and along with Tommy Tremble and Smith-Marsette could provide a lot of what we need next year.

Our little 'smurf' QB has been pretty dismal. Still, he has shown to be "slippery" and capable on the move. That's not a lot to be happy about, but it's a start. Now, if he can just learn to get rid of the ball a little earlier and in FRONT of the receivers instead of behind them...??  I have hope for this week if he can stay the course. If not, we're liable to get buried.

The coaches are a bit of a quandary to me.  Brown seems to be the real question mark. Sure hope we can keep Evero. He will be a sought after commodity for a HC position (probably). Our ST Coordinator, Chris Tabor (Interim HC..), is a rock star. Must find a way to hold on to him.

That brings me to HC Tabor. I'm not certain what I expected, but this is more..... Tabor has a certain "je ne sais quoi". It's hard to put into words, but he has it. Against the Falcons we saw two real indications of what a HC should be. He called time out before the quarter ended to preserve the direction of attack. A wasted call.??  Not hardly.!! It allowed Hekker to punt WITH the wind instead of against the wind when field position was SO important. AND then.... as LP called it at the time, a strictly "time management" decision. Told Hubbard NOT to score with about two plus minutes to go. Clocked the ball three times with all of the associated time run off the clock. One snap, one kick, with one second left. Walk-off win. THAT shows a man who KNOWS how to approach situational football.

So this week we could be facing a stern test. Or maybe not...?? I am surprised GB has sort of faded the last couple of weeks. Maybe it portends good things for the Panthers. OTOH, too much brashness is bad. I'm not convinced we win this game. Still, I'm hopeful.....

Maybe this game will be a Christmas present for Panthers fans.
Thumbsup Smile
This post was last modified: 12-22-2023, 11:47 PM by Hobbit99.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Senior Member

637 posts 126 threads Joined: Oct 2023
12-22-2023, 06:30 PM -
"Maybe this game will be a Christmas present for Panthers fans."

That would be awesome that thought.

Thank you for your excellent post.  Agree with everything you said.

Just a thought about the next HC.  I know the want is Ben Johnson.  Big question as to whether enough money would trump a shitty owner for him.  If not Johnson...the idea of Tabor intrigues me..of course depending how he looks in the remaining games.

Never really thought about ST coaches much but recently have been finding out more about them.  They have to have a handle on the entire team and how players may or may not fit into each unit.  They are constantly adjusting and often on the fly.  As a head coach Tabor said he would rely on the coordinators to do their jobs.  I read something this morning about John Harbaugh...he has the same philosophy.  Helps him attract good coordinators. (Tepper could learn something here).

So having a head coach with a whole team approach, who is good at strategy and game management, and can and is willing to make adjustments...might just be the thing the team needs.

Something to consider and watch these last few games.

Glad to see that Ocean/beach guy pop back in here.

Nice long holiday weekend.  Hope everyone enjoys....especially Panther fans on Sunday.
This post was last modified: 12-22-2023, 06:31 PM by Ladypanther.
Senior Member

637 posts 126 threads Joined: Oct 2023
12-22-2023, 08:31 PM -
My family's Christmas present arrived this evening.

My nephews 1st child.  8 lbs 15 oz.  Look at those hands.  I am think QB.

Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-22-2023, 11:41 PM -
(12-22-2023, 08:31 PM)Ladypanther Wrote: My family's Christmas present arrived this evening.
My nephews 1st child.  8 lbs 15 oz.  Look at those hands.  I am think QB.

OMG --- That boy is half grown.!!  Children are such a blessing. Now we (the parents) have to figure out how to keep from damaging him throughout the formative 'growing up' years.

CONGRATULATIONS..!!  Your sister (brother..) and nephew (family..) must be very proud and happy right now. What an absolutely wonderful Christmas present.!!  You know what they say about big hands (fingers) don't you..??  You don't.??  Well .... I used to know. Let me think.  Maybe it'll come to me.  Tongue

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e479p40v6lmokt8wihj4y...y.gif&ct=g]

[Image: 200w.gif?cid=ecf05e47oscv3ae53v3rj67dqb0...w.gif&ct=g]
This post was last modified: 12-22-2023, 11:43 PM by Hobbit99.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

1,316 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-23-2023, 12:44 AM -
Wr hands lp. Congrats!
Posting Freak

3,048 posts 569 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-23-2023, 02:53 AM -
I thought I would take this opportunity to add a few thoughts to this thread. Without getting too maudlin, there are some things that I recognize as  important and should be said. 

First, as LP mentioned, this is a happy time of year but can also be a time when things start to pile up and raise a little havoc with our psyche. Shorter days, less sunshine, cool temperatures all contribute to lowered expectations and increased levels of depression. For some these feelings are momentary and transient. For others they are more despairing and difficult. It is important that we recognize what is a "normal" condition for our loved ones, and what is something more bothersome. Lending a helping hand or ear can often make a great difference in a friend's outlook. Treat your family and friends with care.

I want to take a moment here and wish all of my "forum friends" a very Merry Christmas. I sincerely hope your holidays are full of joy. If you find yourself with "plenty" this year, stop for a minute and contemplate those who have far less and are struggling. If you have more than you really 'need', share that bounty with others who are less fortunate. You don't have to wait to pay someone back. Instead, "pay it forward". What you share may make someone's holiday a lot brighter. You will probably never know how much difference it makes. But know this. What you share this season may be shared "forward" again and again. Truly a gift that continues to give.

Next, I want to remind everyone here ..... It doesn't matter "WHAT or IF" you believe. I refuse to get into adversarial discussions about belief structures. Whether you believe in monotheism, polytheism, agnosticism, or atheism, it doesn't matter. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindism or any other religion, it doesn't matter. What I want to say is this. Christmas is a holiday here in the U.S. and is recognized around the world, even where Christianity does not exist. The Christian bible is real. It exists. The people in it really lived and walked the earth thousands of years ago. It doesn't matter if you have questions about deities. It doesn't matter if you believe in the Holy Trinity or simply one god or none at all. Here are the facts. The Bible exists. It was written many years ago about people and times before our understanding. The early writings exist. The Bible is the largest, most printed, most used, most read, most popular piece of literature in the history of the world.

Why is this important.? I'm glad you asked. Because Jesus Christ walked the earth a couple of thousand years ago. The Christ child was born a human. Regardless of what you believe about the conception story .... again, it is not important to this telling. What IS important is the fact that he lived and died and was revered as a man and a teacher. AND TODAY, we celebrate his birth with a "holiday" because he was important back then and He is even more important today. For the same reason we celebrate birthdays of our children, parents, siblings, other family members, historical people (like certain presidents..??) and many others, we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.

One last thing to remember... Christ was most probably not born on December 25th. And, once again, "it doesn't matter". Christmas, December 25th, is NOT the birthdate of Christ. We could celebrate his birth in March or August just as easily.  December 25th, is merely the day we choose to celebrate his birth. It's a day of happiness and family and fun. Its a day of introspection and celebration. And it's a day of giving and love and quiet certitude.  And for all of these reasons it's important. Around the world. Everywhere. It's important.

Merry Christmas everyone. My wish for you is happiness. Share the joy.  May God bless you abundantly.
This post was last modified: 12-23-2023, 06:18 PM by Hobbit99.
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"
Posting Freak

1,316 posts 68 threads Joined: Dec 2019
12-24-2023, 01:55 AM -
Good n thoughtful posts guys. I’m feeling what ure saying. Even Hobs seasonal depression post. It’s real.

I have a great family that provides lots of laughs. I’m a lucky one!

Lots of love to all who read this! Have a great Christmas, ext!

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