Started by Hobbit99

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02-11-2025, 12:36 PM -
Little Johnny (when he was 5 years old..) was in the Living Room playing with his electric train. His mother was in the kitchen cleaning up when she heard him talking as if he was the station master or conductor:

Little Johnny said, "All of you sons of bitches who want off, get the hell off now, because this is the last damn stop". "And all of you bastards who are getting on, get-your-ass-on-the-train...NOW.! Cause we are going down the tracks.!!"

His mother, horrified, stopped his train and told him to go to his room. "We don't talk like that around here. You stay in your room for two hours and think about it. Then you can come back and play with your train but I want you to use nice language." About two hours later, little Johnny came back downstairs and resumed playing with his train:

Soon, the train resumed it's run around the tracks and little Johnny resumed the 'station call', "All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your luggage and belongings with you. We hope you enjoyed your trip and we thank you for traveling with us today." His mother was pleased with the change and continued to listen. "For those passengers who are now boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you have a pleasant experience traveling with us today." Little Johnny's mother, now smiling about her successful intervention, paused as Johnny continued, "And for all of you who are pissed off about the two hour delay --- Please see the bitch in the kitchen.!!".

Fbwow Joker Fbwow
"A Reasoned Response From A Reasonable Mind"

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RE: JOKES, JOKES, AND MORE JOKES - HAVE SOME FUN.!! - by Hobbit99 - 02-11-2025, 12:36 PM

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